Logistics Village Center Administration meeting in Samsun

Governor Sahin: “If you have a logistics center, you are one step ahead. If you are trading, if you are dealing with transportation, it is very difficult to continue these activities if you do not have a logistics center. “

Samsun Governor Ibrahim Sahin, “If you have a logistics center you are one step ahead. If you are trading, if you are dealing with transportation, it is very difficult for you to continue these activities if you do not have a logistics center, “he said.

Samsun Metropolitan Municipality Atakum Art Center organized in the Logistics Village Center Administrative Committee meeting of the Governor Sahin, food Agriculture and Livestock Minister Faruk Celik Samsun Agriculture based Ihtisas Greenhouse organized industrial zone and the establishment of He said he signed the decision to take the 2017 year investment program.

Samsun, instead of the arrival of food products from Samsun to send food to cities and countries pointing to the Falcon, “for him we need logistics anyway. In particular, we started living in a world where the consumption economy has whipped up every day and reminded us of more consumption. On the one hand, the electronic commerce in the United States to 70 percent, in Turkey 15 percent of this very virgin area in the coming period will develop very fast, considering that logistics is 3 or 4 times more important than that. ” He said.

Samsun’s four transport axes, noting that the Falcon, continued as follows:
“Rail, sea, airline and highway are just four cities in this advantageous situation. These are Samsun, Izmir, Istanbul and Mersin. We are very fortunate in this sense. The Black Sea has only four transport modes in Samsun. If you have a logistics center, you are one step ahead. If you are trading, if you are dealing with transportation, you are very difficult to continue these activities if you do not have a logistics center. ”

Samsun Metropolitan Beyediye Chairman Yusuf Ziya Yilmaz said this project is one of the most important projects for Samsun, “Logistics village will be the city economy. It is especially important for our producers. Logistics will no longer waste the product produced by the village center and the manufacturer. My peasant, my producer, will take the right to the sweat of his spill. ”

Source: Milliyet

Source: Haber7

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